For many years now, I’ve used social media as a way for me to communicate about my work and show my images to the world.
Over the years, I’ve gathered a lot of knowledge and experience on how to use social media by building a significant community with more than 195’000 followers and counting across the different social platforms.
Social media and the way images/content are being consumed is constantly changing and evolving. Therefore, it is critical to stay up to date with the latest tendencies and changes in order to be able to create content that will fit not only the target audience, but also the way each and every platform works.
This is why I always offer specific types of content, format and aspect ratio depending on the platform it’ll be used on in order to make sure we’re having the most impact possible.
Short single videos are usually made of one single impactful shot that will be used and posted by itself.
It is designed for short-form content platforms such as Instagram and TikTok.
Such short videos are a great way to have extra content to post around a specific campaign.
They are the most susceptible of getting viral and getting millions of views because nowadays, platforms like Instagram and TikTok focus a lot on watch-time meaning that there’s a higher probability for the viewer to watch 100% of the video on such a short piece which is going to please the algorithm.
Click here to see an example of such short single video that got viral with more than 13 million views.
As mentioned above, platforms like Instagram and TikTok are focused on fast-consumption meaning that people have a short attention span and therefore, it is better to post shorter videos.
This is why, the videos I create that are designed for these platforms are always between 30 to 59sec maximum.
Moreover, they are always in a 9x16 aspect ratio to fit the vertical aspect ratio of smartphones.
I also implement specific export settings to make sure we get the best uploading quality.
Longer films are a great way to dive deeper into something and for the viewer to get more infos about a specific subject.
This is why I always offer such films that are designed to be posted on YouTube (possibly Facebook and LinkedIn as well) as well as on a website.
Together with such films, I also always offer shorter versions such as a teaser, trailer or 30-59sec version to be posted on fast-consumption platforms such as Instagram and TikTok in order to catch the audience and drive them towards the longer film and / or website to learn more.
Photography is also an essential part of online communication.
It allows to simply and quickly give an impression about a product, a service, a location or whatever.
Therefore, I always offer photography in the social media campaigns I produce in order to have a complete package.
While film edits are usually posted once, photos and short-form single videos can not only be used to keep feeding social medias on a regular basis but also to build an entire website.
I always offer a complete package of photos offering different perspectives and point of views depending on the subject: macro, close ups, wide angle, aerial, etc… in order to be able to have a variety of images giving the viewer a complete visual experience.
Web serie are a great way to keep a campaign running for longer and maximize the impact.
The series I create are always made of several episodes with each episode including all of the different content type mentioned above.
How we can collaborate ?
Every social media campaign obviously involves creating the audiovisual pieces that will be used.
If you want to have a look at how I lead all of my productions, you can have a look here under the section “HOW I WORK”.
I offer the possibility to use the content produced on my own social media channels in order to use my +150k community to promote my client’s product and / or services.
In order to make sense and have the most impact possible, before starting any campaign I always make sure the subject is in line with my content niche.
Indeed, the content must be specific and targeted to be appealing to my audience and their interest which include: outdoor, sports, travel, destinations, wildlife and culture.
If the client is not interested in using my social media following to promote their product and / or services, I can still offer social media guidance meaning that I’ll help them put together a strategy and posting requirements to make sure the content created will be as impactful as possible on their own social media platforms.
I also offer community management services through my film production agency Zimy’Z Filmz meaning that we take care of the entire social media department of the client.
We run the social media campaign on their social media platforms, we also keep the accounts alive by updating them with new content on a regular basis and by answering direct messages from the community.
Click below to have a look at some social media campaigns I’ve already produced and led: